The Forgotten Skill to Building Success

The Forgotten Skill

As you may know, I’m part of an incredible Mastermind Group that meets weekly.  Each week we share our successes and then we spend some time problem solving or brainstorming ideas to take our business and life to the next level.

It’s a really incredible way to build momentum and also have accountability! We purposely built in celebrating each other’s weekly successes as we know this is such a great way to reinforce feeling great about what we’re giving to the world.  Plus, it’s imperative to build a positive framework from which to work especially since life and business can be stressful!

We noticed that although we’re great at celebrating when we’re together, often we don’t celebrate on our own during the week.  We get focused on the tasks and forget to acknowledge what we’ve already done. We know from the study of Positive Psychology, looking for what has gone well in your day helps build happiness and increases productivity.

With that in mind, I challenged one of the members to celebrate more instead of just being focused on tasks! AND to celebrate especially when he did something that he was dreading or avoiding for one reason or another.

This is a practice. It’s like building a muscle.  At first it feels awkward and hard and it takes effort. The cool thing is that when you persist, you will feel great. Not only will you want keep having fun, you’ll notice you accomplish more in your day and you’ll have even more success!

Life is too short to be serious all the time. Check out the video to see how I celebrate – it’s not going to be what you think 🙂  You may even want to join in on the celebration as you watch!

As always, I’d love to hear from you….

How are you going to integrate celebrating your successes each day? Share in the comments below. Let’s get creative and have some fun with this!

~Dawn xo

PS. If you want to know more about Mastermind Groups, check out this post for everything you need to know to start your own!

4 thoughts on “The Forgotten Skill to Building Success”

  1. Love you dancing to your successes!! I always try to celebrate my successes and often it is me saying out loud with passion “Good job!”. I let myself sit with the positive feeling of success before moving on so I take the time to celebrate myself.

    1. I love your celebration Shari! Especially that you really take in the positive feeling. That’s exactly what I’m talking about!

  2. Thanks for this post and video! Added a bit of celebration into my day yesterday and it made my overwhelming list of things to get through a bit less daunting – and helped me feel a bit “lighter” about thing as I carried on!

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