How to Say No With Grace

Say No With Grace

Have you ever been in that difficult place where you want to say ‘no’ to someone but find yourself saying ‘yes’ instead? (And then you kick yourself after). Or you want to let the person down gently and respectfully decline an invitation for something but don’t know how?

It can be tricky to say ‘no’ to someone especially if you’re afraid of creating an uncomfortable situation. It can also be hard when you genuinely like and respect the person or you would like to accept the invitation but it’s just not the right time in your life or quite the right situation.

Overall, while it can be tempting to say ‘yes’ to either please someone, feel accepted or avoid an uncomfortable situation, it’s important to maintain your own integrity and what is right for you and your life.

Trust me, I know what it’s like to be in these situations.  As I get busier and there are more demands on me and my time it can be hard to set boundaries on external demands and requests. There are times, I’ve even had to say ‘no’ to things I would like to do so that I can stay on track with my goals and dreams.

It isn’t always easy to prioritize all the amazing options and opportunities that can come your way, but it’s imperative that you know what is most important to you in your life and business so you can make clear decisions and feel good about them.

It can be easier to say ‘no’ to something when it doesn’t fit with your beliefs or values, however, it can still be hard to say ‘no’ and possibly face disappointing someone (especially if it’s someone you care about like friends and family).

No matter what the situation or reason why you want to say ‘no’ to something, it’s helpful to everyone when you can do it in a way that honours everyone involved.

In this episode of Empowerment TV I share how you can gracefully decline an invitation that leaves both parties feeling good about the situation.  Knowing how to do this,  leaves you free to pursue your highest purpose and stay on track with your dreams.

Once you’ve watched the video, I’d love to hear from you.

Have you ever said ‘yes’ when you should have said ‘no’?  Or, do you have a way to say ‘no’ that feels good for you? Please share your insights in the comments below.

And remember, no matter what happens, keep believing in yourself and keep believing in your dreams. You have everything it takes to make your dreams come true, including the power to choose saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’!

~Dawn xo

PS. You’re amazing!

2 thoughts on “How to Say No With Grace”

  1. Thanks Dawn. It is always a challenge to say no to someone asking for my time, but it is important to stay true to myself and what I need. I love the suggested language you shared. Thank you!

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