One Small Decision Can Change Your Life

Change Your Life

Last year when I said “yes” to an opportunity to join an incredible group of Empowerment Leaders and Transformational Coaches in Liberia, Africa, I had no idea the impact that decision would have on my life and the lives of others. Sometimes, the smallest decisions can be the most life changing. 

The incredible part was that I knew before I was finished reading the invitation that I was going to go. There was just something “in” me that said despite all the rational reasons I should say no (I had less than a month to prepare, we were going into the second poorest country in the world, we were taking some calculated risks in our travels and I already had a totally full plate at home), I HAD TO DO IT.

I’m so grateful that I took that leap of faith and followed my intuition. The trip changed my life. We had the opportunity to work with incredibly inspiring and courageous women and children who had been released from prostitution, we saw the biggest slum in Liberia (750,000 people), we traveled  to rural villages to deliver water filter systems that will provide clean water for thousands of people for decades to come.

I feel incredibly blessed to have also been a part of the Empowerment Speaking tour that took us around the country where we met the most amazing and resilient people. The country and the people left me with a deeper sense of purpose an immense gratitude for the experience.

The video is an interview of my experiences on the trip.  It’s full of laughter, reflection, tears, joy and gratitude all mixed in together. What I saw, heard, felt changed me – I’m even more appreciative of all the opportunities at my finger tips and with a deeper desire to have a larger impact in the world.

One of my dreams is to impact and help millions of people live a life they love and deserve.  That includes YOU.

After you watch the video, I would love to hear from you.  What type of impact do you want to have in the world? Share your dreams in the comments below.

Remember, small things done consistently provide the biggest results.  Go out there and start making a difference today!

~Dawn xo

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