Eliminate Stress in 16 Seconds or Less!

Eliminate Stress

Over the past several years, I’ve been researching and trying different things to help manage stress. It’s been lots of trial and error, but I have a huge reason for wanting to minimize my stress levels while still enjoying the excitement and passion I have to do all the things I love in life, including running my businesses.

I got a huge lesson as a young girl when witnessed my dad have a heart attack – he was only 32.  I remember it so well – the image is still fresh in my mind.

He went on to live an incredible life, but it was a wake up call for the whole family. We changed what we ate, exercise became much more important than ever and there was a new focus on health.

However, as I got older, busier and had more responsibility, the hardest thing for me to manage was managing the day to day stresses. Being a very driven person who has the propensity to have multiple projects on my plate at a time, it’s often hard to unplug and take some down time.

As I’ve searched for “balance”, I’ve come across a few things that are helpful. One thing that I’ve integrated into my day to day life is meditation. What I love about it, is that I can do it anywhere and anytime. Plus, I’m more effective and efficient in my work!

In this special edition of EmpowermentTV, I interview Shari Czar who shares her secrets to managing stress in a busy life. She has practical, simple, effective tools you can use to de-stress in 16 seconds or less!  

What she shares could change – or even save your life.

Unfortunately, my Dad passed away 9 years ago. He lived a full life, rich in doing the things he loved as he drove forward to success in business and life.  I miss him every day. He left me with the gift of being a passionate entrepreneur with a drive for excellence.

He also left a lasting impression that we have to take care of ourselves, eat well, exercise, manage our busy lives and take time to de-stress, so we can continue to share our gifts with the world. I’m grateful everyday for everything he brought to my life and the lives of others.

I hope you enjoy the episode. Once you’ve watched it, and taken our challenge, please share your insights in the comments below….I always love hearing from you.

~Dawn xo

ps. Remember that you are important and worth taking care of.  We need you and your gifts in the world!

pps. Here are the simple, quick meditations for you to try. Let us know how you feel after you do them!

ppps. Go to www.infiniteheartspace.com for more free meditation downloads and great resources from Shari Czar.
Forest Path to Lake Meditation

Full Body Scan 

4 thoughts on “Eliminate Stress in 16 Seconds or Less!”

  1. What a difference 16 seconds can make… who knew?? What a great team these two make… would love to have them on my team!

  2. I love meditation. Without it I would not be able to manage my busy life. Great interview and wonderful insights and I must say: I love the recordings. Thank you Dawn and Shari!

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