Sneaky Little Brain Tricks to Overcome Procrastination

Sneaky Little Brain Tricks

Trick Your Brain into Getting Stuff Done!

We’ve all have times when we’ve procrastinated. 

Whether you clean your house like crazy (something I’ve done), you surf Google or YouTube and go down an infinite bunny trail of web surfing or just plain old avoid a task instead of buckling down and getting something done, you know what I mean.

Sometimes, we’re just avoiding starting or finishing a project that seems daunting and the more we procrastinate, the more we feel bad about it which makes it even harder to start!

The cool thing is, there are some tricks to overcoming procrastination.

In this video I show you how you we can “trick” ourselves and our brains into getting started which is the hurdle to kicking procrastination in the butt.

Once we get momentum, we’re on our way to a feeling of accomplishment and success. Tweet this!

As always, I love hearing from you.

Do you have any sneaky tricks to overcoming procrastination?  Please share your tricks with us in the comments below!

Until next time, get out there and get some things done!  Make it happen!

~ Dawn xo

4 thoughts on “Sneaky Little Brain Tricks to Overcome Procrastination”

  1. Dawn, hearing your sneaky tricks I felt so much like you.
    Never give up and keep walking!
    Thanks for your inspiring and thought provoking presentation.

  2. Dawn, you are so right…just getting started helps to create momentum. One of my tricks is a break the big tasks down into pieces or mini-tasks. I note the first one or two mini-tasks on my to-do list. When I accomplish the first step, I get to cross it off my list. That in itself feels like an accomplishment and motivates me to keep going!

    1. Thanks for sharing that trick Shari! You’re so right, breaking things down into smaller tasks/steps makes it more manageable and helps us feel like we’re getting somewhere! Gotta love checking things off the list 🙂

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