It can be scary making a change and taking a leap to start your own business, or to change careers, or make a shift in your personal life.
In this episode of EmpowermentTV and The Empowerment Podcast, I interview Denise McDermott – Physical Therapist turned Entrepreneur.
In a weaving and winding episode, where you get to meet her dog Maggie, we explore how to choose the right business partner, and how to create a sustainable business even when external factors create challenges.
She shares her insights on why she thinks they made it though their first year of business despite having to close their doors for a period of time during the pandemic. This insight is GOLD.

If that’s not enough, we talk about developing a culture that thrives. And I learned a new way to interview people which is brilliant! You’ll want to hear this ingenious trick her business partner came up with. I’ll definitely be using this strategy!
She shares her perspective on how to know who is actually supporting your dreams and who isn’t. Even if it seems like they are.
Last but not least, we explore what it really takes to be successful…
Join me in learning from this incredible woman who took a leap from being a professional working for others to being her own boss.
Click play to watch the episode on EmpowermentTV.
Click here for The Empowerment Podcast.
**The sound at the beginning is quiet, stick with it – the sound gets better and the juicy bits start coming to the surface!
I’ll see you over there!
And Remember – No matter what, I believe in you.
Go get ’em!

PS. If you don’t already have my FREE Mini Course – How to Build and Scale Any Business – sign up right here.

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This course will help you build the foundation to build and scale any business you want.
In this course, you will receive 5 modules which includes – 32 Videos, 32 Audios and 37 Action Guides. I will break things down so you can create your ultimate vision, learn how to maximize your revenue, build a website that Sells FOR you, learn marketing strategies AND how to create and manage you teams!
I created the program for aspiring and experienced entrepreneurs. This program distills down the fundamentals of starting a business that I’ve learned over the past 20+ years in business.
These are some of the strategies I used to increase my company value by 500% and increase the profits by 28% in just one quarter! It’s the nuts and bolts that created millions in revenue.
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