Tips For Having a Difficult Conversation

Having a Difficult Conversation

Having a difficult conversation isn’t something we usually look forward to. Being prepared in advance can make it easier and increase the likelihood of creating the outcome you want!

In this video I share with you a few simple tips to help you prepare for a difficult conversation as well as some ideas on how you can be more effective in your communication so everyone walks away feeling good about the situation.

Asking for what you need and want in life can be scary especially if you’re not used to doing it or you’re afraid to upset other people.  You can’t control other people’s reactions, but you can control your own and this is a skill that comes with practice!

Often, having this conversation can be liberating and freeing, as long as you have the courage to say what’s true for you and do it in a respectful, kind way.

I encourage you to watch this full video and use the tips I provide to help you prepare and have a conversation you’ve been putting off or in the future should a challenging situation arise (and you know it will, because that’s life!).

After you’ve watched the video, I would love to hear from you in the comments below.

And if you have any tips for how to have a difficult conversation please share!  You never know who you could help with your wisdom and experience!

~Dawn xo

2 thoughts on “Tips For Having a Difficult Conversation”

  1. Really enjoyed this video, Dawn! I agree that deciding what you want out of the conversation before you begin is a really important step… and perhaps one that will leave you deciding not to have the conversation after all, if you only want validation that you’re right! Been there 🙂 Reminds me of a buddhist saying I once heard: “Where’s the ‘me’ in this?” Your video hit the spot for me – all relationships go through periods where those difficult conversations are the key to moving forward into better and more authentic patterns. Thanks for your practical & encouraging ideas!

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