Dawn Payne Blog


I did something crazy…

I know you know that you are meant for great things. I also know that you have a yearning to feel alive and to experience life to the fullest.
Building your business and creating wealth is one thing. It is a great goal in itself. It can stimulate and expand your thoughts, beliefs and creativity. It can create security and certainty.
But why else are you doing it? Why are you working so hard to build something if you’re only enjoying some aspects of the success?
Success isn’t just about the business and money, it’s about building a life as well. Living to feel ALIVE.

I did something crazy… Read More »

Take Back Your Time

Take Back Your Time

You’re busy, I know! I’m a busy person too. And I enjoy having a purpose and a focus for the day. However, it’s easy to get burned out and stressed about everything there is to do. There’s not enough time to do everything on the list. Have you ever felt this way? Been over run

Take Back Your Time Read More »

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